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Now What?

So here we are - still- in the midst of a global pandemic that we all desperately want to end. It seems we need a new version of Frequently Asked Questions to get us through 2024. We will try our best to update as we receive information but we've also included links from the powers that be. 


*A note to those of you that are new to Campbell's Cove Campground:

We are living in serious times and as a family, The Mooneys are aware of this. The well being of our loved ones, fellow Islanders and world is important to us. However, that does not mean that we won't make jokes (or what we think are jokes) during stressful times. 


Using humor is a way we try and stay positive. It is also a coping mechanism that sometimes helps us process new or seemingly outlandish things. There is a possibility that we lean a bit heavily on that particular way of coping but that's an entire therapy session in itself. Let's just blame the Irish heritage and call it a day. 


To our returning campers; Thank you for tolerating and often encouraging our ridiculousness. We appreciate you.



Is anyone at Campbell's Cove an epidemiologist?

Absolutely not.


What is an epidemiologist?

A person who studies the branch of medicine which deals with the incidence, distribution and possible control of diseases.


If I book a reservation for 2024 do I have to pay a deposit?

Yes. One night of your reservation is paid upon booking.


If I cancel a reservation I booked in 2024 do I get my deposit back?

No.  There is a global pandemic and you took a risk by making a reservation for an uncertain future.



Did electricity rates go up again since last summer?



Did minimum wage go up again since last summer?



Did your rates go up since last summer?



Are there still Government mandated safety rules about travelling to PEI during an airborne pandemic?




I need to cancel my reservation because I am sick.

Do I get my non-refundable deposit back?

No, you get the thrill of gambling for a vacation during a pandemic.

(Plus the satisfaction you feel for supporting a small family business.)


Will I get a refund if I am asked to leave for not following Campbell's Cove's safety protocol?


All our campers are pre-informed about the new rules before they book.


If you decide to camp during a public health crisis, you have no choice but to follow the rules you were told about.

Not following the rules means you are endangering your camping neighbours, staff and your community at large.

There are no refunds for that behaviour.


During this global crisis, can we litter?

Still no.

Littering on PEI comes with a minimum fine of $275.

Not to mention the cool points you lose by having that level of disregard. 



I was pre-informed my 3-service site wouldn't give me access to the campground bathroom but now my kids are sandy from the beach so can I argue with your staff about bathroom access?


Our job isn't to make a different set of rules for each camper.

Our job is to ensure everyone on our property follows the same rules to keep us all as safe as possible.



How long have you been predicting the future?

For at least fifteen years, as small business owners in the tourism industry.

 (Good thing that question didn't include the word successfully! Close one.)



What about Sunday Pot Luck Suppers?

We have not yet decided about having Pot Luck Suppers in 2024 .



Can I come camping and pretend that the virus doesn't effect my life at all?


We are not asking you to believe, we are asking you to follow rules.

There are times when we don't believe all our taxes are being used how we would like. But we still pay them all.

In this area there are about 15 stop signs we believe should be yield signs - but we still stop at them.




Do you have any music suggestions?

We're so glad you asked!

Music has been keeping us sane for years, but especially so with the removal of social visits and live shows.


Below are some of our favorite artists, in no particular order. Check them out, buy something when you can. Musicians keep working and pumping out art even when technology keeps pumping out new ways to access their work without compensating them. Artists need snacks too.


 Jordan Merrick   Adyn Townes   Bon Bon Vivant   Joanna Barker  Stompin' Tom

New Hermitage  Hey Ocean!    Anna Tivel    Jeffrey Martin    Michael Dalton    The East Pointers    Leonie Kingdom   Peter Doran  

 Vince The Messenger  Leon Majcen  Sherman Downey    Jenn Grant   Hey Rosetta!  Donald MacLennan

 Transatlantic Zodiac Ensemble  J.P. Cormier  Dave Gunning   Roxy & the Underground Soul Sound  Brishen


Back Alley Music in Charlottetown always has you covered, even in crisis mode. They will help you support a small business and artists all in one swoop and with a smile.


If you have music you think we'd enjoy, please make suggestions! You can share with us on social media or send a quick email.








Does anyone else do a shoulder check after their dog poops and not pick it up if no one is looking?


At least 3 of you do this. But we do see you, so we hope you're not considering being a ninja.




Why are you still talking about Covid19?

We are still discussing Covid because it is still on the go.

It is understandable that we all want to stop dealing with an airborne global pandemic, but the time to do that is likely when the pandemic is over. Sadly, that is not now.

Yes, we must learn how to live during a pandemic which includes minor adjustments to make everyday tasks as low-risk as possible. This includes wearing a mask, limiting indoor crowds, and cleaning the air we share.

No, this is not a funny answer.


Masks aren't mandatory at The Cove, but we support anyone who wears one. There are still air purifiers in each bathroom and access is limited to tent sites. Trailers in full service sites with their own bathrooms will not have access to the campground bathroom building.


  • Facebook logo which is a white lower case f surrounded by a blue circle
  • Twitter logo; which is a bird because we couldn't bother to find an X
  • Instagram logo which is a retro style front of a camera. A circle in the middle representing the len
  • bluesky app logo which is a pale blue sky with a few clouds

Find Campbell's Cove Campground on other sites:

  • Facebook logo which is a white lower case f surrounded by a blue circle
  • Instagram logo which is a retro style front of a camera. A circle in the middle representing the len
  • bluesky app logo which is a pale blue sky with a few clouds
a photo that says we recycle beside a recycle triangle
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